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WTC Site

World Trade Center Site and St. Paul's Chapel

Words do not adequately describe the emotions that visits to these sites evoke. It is incomprehensible why fellow human beings would want to wreak the destruction and havoc that September 11th, 2001 brought. However it also brought with it acts of great heroism. Will there ever come a day when the people of the world can live in peace and freedom?

The sphere that stood beneath the towers, now part of a memorial in Battery Park

The writeup next to the sphere

The site viewed from the official viewing area

The site viewed from the official viewing area

The site viewed from the official viewing area

The site viewed from the 2nd floor of the World Financial Buildings

The site viewed from ground level outside the World Financial Buildings

A memorial to the port authority police lost

Plaques with the names of all those lost

Plaques with the names of all those lost

Looking up a building that is half the height of what the towers were

A cross made of steel girders from the north tower

A cross made of steel girders from the north tower

The Verizon building, still being repaired

A touching mural overlooking the site

View of St. Paul's Chapel spire from the WTC site

The spire of St. Paul's Chapel

St. Paul's Chapel. A base for recovery workers following 9/11, now an exhibit dedicated to those who perished and to the workers and volunteers during the rescue and recovery period.

A bell outside of St. Paul's, a gift from London

Banners inside St. Paul's

Banners inside St. Paul's

Banners inside St. Paul's

A display of badges inside St. Paul's

A tapestry inside St. Paul's. It has inspirational quotes on the stripes around the outside, and the streamers at the base contain the names of all those who perished.

A candle inside St. Paul's

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