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Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty & Views from the Ferry

An internationally recognized symbol of freedom, the Statue of Liberty stands tall and proud in the New York Harbour. The ferry ride also offers up great views of lower Manhattan.

Close-up of Manhattan from the ferry

A view from a distance on the ferry

A closer view as the ferry rounds the island

A close-up view of the statue from the island

Joan with the statue

Mum with the statue

Joan and Mum with the statue

The flag flying on the island

Mum on the island with Manhattan in the background

Joan on the island with Manhattan in the background

Mum on the ferry

Close-up view of Ellis Island from the ferry

Ellis Island from the ferry

The point of Ellis Island with Manhattan in the background

View of Manhattan from the ferry

View of Manhattan from the ferry

Mum on the ferry with Manhattan in the background

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