
East Africa
March 26th - April 19th, 2007

I recently spent an incredible 3.5 weeks traveling around East Africa with my brother Carson and my sister Katie. We visited Rwanda, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, went on Safari in Tanzania, and visited the island of Zanzibar. Each part of the trip was unique, and each was incredible in its own way!

Below are a SAMPLE of pictures from the trip (I took a LOT of pictures and video!!!). Click on each link to go to a page with more pictures. Note that I will eventually try to update the pages to have more information about the pictures (i.e. captions and descriptions), however for starters I'm at least trying to make the pictures available.

Also note that there are MANY pictures under some of the links, so if you're accessing via dial-up you may run into problems. I will try to rectify this in the near future by splitting the pages further. Sorry!

4/25/07 Update for dial up users: Click here to get individual links to all the pictures:
Individual Picture Links


Mt. Kilimanjaro

Safari - Lake Manyara

Safari - Serengeti

Safari - Ngorongoro

Safari - Tarangire
